Profile of Dr. Pankaj Vats

Dr. Pankaj Vats M.D. AIIMS Delhi Forensic Medicine, LL.B (Hon's)

Medico-legal Consultant, Toxicologist & Forensic Expert

Senior Consultant on PNDT, MTP, CEA, Consumer Protection Acts and All Medical Laws 

Former District Appropriate Authority–cum-Civil Surgeon,

Formerly also worked as Director Health Services (Family Welfare) -cum- Member, State Supervisory Board, Haryana under PC & PNDT Act  

Chairman- cum Executive Director

Five Eyes Medico-legal Consultancy Services

Doctors Save Daughters, Foundation

Held posts & positions and earned experience

Clinical Experience

>Medical Officer in PHC, CHC, Civil Hospital, District T.B. Centre

>Casualty Medical Officer in District Hospital

>Senior Medical Officer in Community Health Centre, Civil Hospital

>Principal Medical Officer and Head of institution of 200-250 bedded hospital 

Medico-legal and Court Experience

During this he has prepared thousands of MLR reports, conducted several thousand post mortem, attended hundreds of courts at various level as medico-legal experts, inquired hundreds of alleged cases of medical negligence, false and fraudulent act of, organ transplantation

Inquiry and investigations

Conducted inquerie and investigations in several complaints against Govt. doctors, institutions as well as private doctors and clinical establishment while holding administrative post as SMO, District Programme Officer, PMO, Civil Surgeon, Chief Medical Officer and Director Health Services, Haryana

District Programme Officer

District Health Officer

District Medical Officer

District School Health Officer, 

Secretary, District Blindness Control Society

District Malaria Officer

District Training Officer

Conducted training for Govt. doctors, nurses, ANM's and other paramedical staff

Conducted training and workshops for IMA  members and other private practitioners.

Most important positions held
Civil Surgeon

Chief Medical Officer or Civil Surgeon as administrative head of district dealt with multiple tasks for Govt. as well as private health sector.

Chairman, District Health & Family Welfare Society

District Appropriate Authority, PNDT

Issued registration / renewal certificates and conducted several raids / inspection of PNDT Center. Investigation and disposal of PNDT complaints as well lodging and pursuing court cases launched against erring doctors / owners of center

District Registrar, Birth & Death

Issued registration / renewal certificates and conducted several raids / inspection of PNDT Center. Investigation and disposal of PNDT complaints as well lodging and pursuing court cases launched against erring doctors / owners of center

District Food Safety Authority

Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.

Director Health Services (Family welfare)

Ex. Officio Member, State Supervisory Board, PNDT, Govt. of Haryana

Life membership

Indian Medical Association

Indian Medical Association of Medical Specialist

Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Contact Us

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Better yet, see us in person!

We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.

Five Eyes Medico-legal Consultants

175, Ganpati Enclave, Sector 15, Part-II, Near Vinayak Plaza, Oppsite Bank of Maharashtra, Gurgaon, 122001,

097280 99999


Contact Us

Drop us a line!

Better yet, see us in person!

We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.

Five Eyes Medico-legal Consultants

175, Ganpati Enclave, Sector 15, Part-II, Near Vinayak Plaza, Oppsite Bank of Maharashtra, Gurgaon, 122001,

097280 99999
